Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my shop. More than anything, I love the work that I do, and it brings so much joy to my heart when I make just one sale. When you create something unique and someone uses their resources to buy it from you, that feeling is amazing.
I established Daily Rose Co when I wanted to create minimal and elegant items that encouraged and uplifted sisters around the world.  When I began going through difficult times, I would shop around for items that would encourage me as a spiritual women but found that the thing I was looking for didn’t really exist. So I decided to create my own and those are the items you see in my shop today!
I’m so encouraged by the amazing women of the Bible like Sarah, Esther, Rachel, and Abigail. Many of us face similar trying situations, and being able to ponder on their example can strengthen us so much. Also having item with a little reminder on it to keep us going can be helpful as well. 
Now, as a mother, these women encourage me in a whole new way. Not only do I use my brand to encourage women with products but with my lifestyle vlogs as a new mother who is growing her business so that she can support her family without being tied to an employer. Doing so would allow me to be home more with my baby and spend more time teaching her about Jehovah. 
My favorite part is the creation process. I am a total visionary and it often takes me weeks or months before I am able to bring an item to fruition. I try to create items that I would personally use or would want to buy for myself. Authenticity is my number one priority. I have a very specific style of items that I like and want to create and I do my best to stand by that style. I’m constantly imagining new items and designing new creations and one of the most amazing feelings in my opinion is seeing something you’ve envisioned become reality. 

Some of my items are hand made using permanent vinyl that I carefully apply myself. However, a lot of products are professionally manufactured or printed to allow me to run my shop more efficiently and consistently.

I package each item myself with the help of my husband. I try to make packaging as pretty as possible but sometimes durability comes before beauty.

Proverbs 31 is one of my favorite books of the Bible and many of my items are inspired by this book. I aspire to be just like the Proverbs 31 women and I love creating items that inspire other women to be like her too! We all know it’s not easy, but having a mug, a piece of jewelry, or a journal with a constant reminder that we’re trying our best is so uplifting.

I hope you find that something that inspires and uplifts you today